Dear NvT,

I found your magazine Nonviolence Today on the web. I'd like to tell you about a work of mine that I'm preparing for the web. It's a book-length manuscript Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement which I wrote in the early '80s while active in California's anti-nuclear movement. I've attached the contents page below.

As I set up my website, I want to make contact with potential readers in the nonviolent community, who may not agree with my thesis, but who might enjoy the read nonetheless.


Email: [email protected]

Howard Ryan

Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement


Part I Problems of Nonviolent Theory

1 The Nonviolent Philosophy

2 A Moral Principle

3 Ends vs. Means

4 Nonviolent Theory of Power

5 Social Change Based on Suffering

6 Common Nonviolent Arguments

7 A Class Perspective

Part II Gandhi: A Critical History

8 Father of Nonviolence

9 Satyagraha in South Africa

10 Textile Strike

11 Noncooperation Movement 1919-22

12 Religious Conflicts

13 Salt Satyagraha

14 Congress Ministries

15 The War Years

16 Independence and Bloodshed

Part III Nonviolence in the Anti-Nuclear Movement

17 Nonviolent Direct Action

18 Consensus Decision Making

19 Open, Friendly, and Respectful

20 Civil Disobedience